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September 17, 2011


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Those are very precious vintage cars!!!Oh my!!!!I just hope I can go there and join the auction sale!!

Clovis Seeman

Okay, this is really cool. But before going to an old car auction and betting on these classic machines, keep in mind that these cars need extensive repairs and restoration work. And parts for these cars are rare, and rare translates to expensive. If you have the funding and the will to restore these magnificent machines, then by all means buy them. That will be a great project.

classic restoration

Indeed precious! It would take time for mine to be finished though.

Erwin Calverley

I have to note the last picture there. It looks cool and still functional. Haha! The rust gave something like a design to these cars, but people still appreciate those. It's always cool to see vintage cars even they have all the rust in the world on them. :)

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